Morning Meeting

  • Elementary School
Jumbula meet
Nov 01 2023


  • Mon 
  • Tue 
  • Wed 
  • Thu 
  • Fri 
  • Sat 
  • Sun 
Single: 25 minutes - 1 single session



Morning Meeting is a fun, social, community-building class with many developmental benefits, which include developing thinking, listening, observing, speaking, and concentrating skills. It also helps learners with executive function skills, such as time awareness through participation in regular daily routines. 

The class format will be as follows:

1. Greeting/One new or good thing/how are you?

2. Calendar: Today is, yesterday was, tomorrow is...

Discussion of the day of the week,
month and year. 

3. Weather: What is the
weather like at your location today?

4. Goodbye/ See you next time!

Other topics that may come
up in the Morning Meeting are

- Numeracy and Shapes

- Literacy

- Colours and Shapes

Note: While these topics may come up, they are not the principal focus of this class. In-depth study of letters, numbers, colours and shapes can be completed by attending topic-specific classes.

Learning Goals:

  • Turn Taking
  • Conversation Skills
  • Calendar Cycle
  • Seasons
  • Weather


Participants must currently be 5 years to 12 years old.

Registration period

Registration starts on 10/30/2023.

Participants may register at any time during this period.

The minimum number of sessions for registration is 1.

Online location

Jumbula meet