Gratitude Club

  • Elementary School
Sep 11 2024


  • Sun 
  • Mon 
  • Tue 
  • Wed 
  • Thu 
  • Fri 
  • Sat 
Single: 25 minutes - 1 single session



All too often, we humans search for happiness and contentment outside of ourselves. We turn to new things, people, and places to fill what can feel like an insatiable void. Ever purchased your child something new only for it to be loved for hours or days before the next new thing is so desperately wanted? A gratitude practice is an effective, research-supported way to inspire well-rounded, resilient, and content kids. Gratitude really is the key to showing us happiness, and contentment really is an inside job! 

Every one of us will face challenges in life, experience loneliness and the feeling of lacking, yet each of us has something to be grateful for at this moment. Practicing gratitude can have a positive effect on every aspect of our life; it can help increase happiness, hope, self-esteem, empathy, and optimism. It’s good for our overall mental health and allows us the opportunity to view everyday life in a new way. In this class, learners get the opportunity to explore their own gratitude and share with fellow classmates. 

The sole focus of this class is gratitude, which we will explore each week through completing the gratitude journal and sharing in class, creating a space once a week where we can be immersed in gratitude. Then, time permitting, we will finish our time together, building friendships through simple, family-friendly games and chatting. 

Learners are welcome to purchase a journal; many can be found on Amazon for less than $10.00. The one suggested below is intuitively laid out and reasonably quick for them to complete but really does invite true contemplation of gratitude. NLA is not affiliated with the links below in any way, and they are just provided as easy-to-use samples. Families may choose any journal they wish. For families who do not wish to purchase a journal, upon enrolment, you will be able to find an easy-to-use journal printable in the parent resource center. 

(USD Currency)  - The 3 Minute Gratitude Journal for Kids:  Learn more:

(CND Currency)  - The 3 Minute Gratitude Journal for Kids: 
Learn more:


Participants must currently be 5 years or older.

Registration period

Registration starts on 08/28/2024.

Participants may register at any time during this period.

The minimum number of sessions for registration is 1.

Online location
