Number of the Week

  • Preschool
Jumbula meet
Nov 02 2023


  • Mon 
  • Tue 
  • Wed 
  • Thu 
  • Fri 
  • Sat 
  • Sun 
Single: 25 minutes - 1 single session



ach week will focus on a number. Learners will be encouraged to count, trace and write the number. Classes will include basic math concepts such as addition and subtraction.

Each week will focus on a new number; classes can be taken in any order.

Class includes:

  • Welcome song!
  • Let's count to 10! Learners will be encouraged to count to 10 before we discover today's number.
  • Using small manipulative objects, learners will be encouraged to count to today's number.
  • Learners will be invited to write or trace the number using a whiteboard and markers or paper and crayons.
  • Math Time! Learners will use small manipulative objects to add and subtract one, two, three from today's number.

Learner Supply List:
Whiteboard with markers or paper and crayons
Small manipulative objects such as dry pasta, small blocks or goldfish crackers

Learning Goals:
Number Recognition, Addition and Subtraction



Participants must currently be 2 years and 5 months to 5 years old.

Registration period

Registration starts on 10/29/2023.

Participants may register at any time during this period.

The minimum number of sessions for registration is 1.

Online location

Jumbula meet